整机采用优质SUS304不锈钢,温度、速度可根据工艺要求设定,该机运行平稳,不锈钢网带强度高,伸缩性小,不易变形,易保养,彻底解决了灭菌过程中因为自动化程序低而造成的“随意性”,加强了“一致性”,大大提高了灭菌的成功率。 The machine adopts high quality SUS304 stainless steel, temperature and speed can be set according to the technical requirement, the machine runs smoothly, the stainless steel mesh belt strength, high scalability small, not changeful form, easy maintenance, thoroughly solved the sterilization process for automated routines low caused "optional", strengthening the "consistent", greatly improving the sterilization success rate. 本生产流水线采用巴氏杀菌工艺。适用于腌渍菜、低温肉制品、酸豆奶制品、果冻等食品饮料的低温杀菌。 The production line adopts pasteurizing process. Suitable for pickled vegetables, meat products, acid milk products low temperature, jelly and other food and beverage of low temperature sterilization.