生产能力:每小时100-1000kg(成品) 可用能源:电、天然气、柴油、导热油炉 整套设备均使用SUS304不锈钢制作,完全实现自动化生产,*专人操作,漂烫池利用锅炉蒸汽直接加热的方式,工作过程中边漂烫边换水。漂烫完毕后通过网带输送至震动筛,边风吹边震水,再进入油炸流水线。油炸完毕后风吹沥油冷却后进入自动拌料机。 Production capacity: per hour 1000kg (fg) 100 - Usable energy: electricity, gas, oil, oil heat furnace The whole equipment all USES SUS304 stainless steel production, completely automated production, without special operation, bleaching hot pool using the boiler steam directly heated ways, work process edge bleaching hot edge change water. Bleaching hot after completion through net belt conveyor to shaking sieve, the side wind edge shock water, again into the Fried assembly line. Fried after the completion of the wind cooling drain oil after entering automatic mixing materials machine. 工艺流水线 Process 原料 (土豆) → 清洗去皮 → 切片(条) → 漂烫→ Original material Cleaning peel Cut piece Bleaching hot 风吹 → 震水(沥水) → 油炸 → 风吹沥油 → 输送 → The wind Shock water Oil fry The wind drain oil Lose send 布料(大小可调) → 自动拌料 → 冷却 → 包装 → 入库 Fabric(size adjustable) Automatic mixing materials Cooling Packaging Treasury 产品承诺:一年包修+终生维修+量身定做+长期跟踪服务,公司配有多位技术全面的工程技术人员上门服务,为客户解决技术难题。公司提供全套的安装调试,维修,培训,技术咨询等售前售后一条龙服务。王经理 Q